

姓   名  刘伟

















主要从事发酵与生物分离工程方向的基础研究及应用技术开发,在国家自然科学基金、河北省教育厅重点基础研究项目、河北省自然科学基金项目等项目的支持下,展开了发酵过程中反应-分离耦合操作系统强化机理研究,生物反应过程中多相流传质理论,新型光催化反应器的理性设计及催化剂开发等工作,相关成果在生物防腐剂及生化废水资源化处理方面等到很好应用。在生物、化工、材料等相关领域期刊发表SCI 检索论文50余篇,授权和公开发明专利3项。





1. 师德师风方面:
[1] 201612月获河北工业大学第三届教师师德建设和板书设计竞赛一等奖。

[2] 20176月,获河北工业大学化工学院优秀共产党员。

[3] 2018-2019年度河北工业大学化工学院优秀党务工作者。

[4] 2018年年度考核优秀。

[5] 2019年,获化工学院2018年度先进工作者。

[6] 2019-2020年度河北工业大学化工学院优秀党务工作者。

[7] 20216月,获河北工业大学化工学院优秀党务工作者。

[8] 2021年年度考核优秀。

2. 教学工作方面:
[1] 2018年,获河北工业大学化工学院第十七届青年教师教师教学竞赛二等奖。

[2] 2018年,获河北工业大学第十四届青年教师教学基本功竞赛三等奖。

[3] 2019年,获教学质量优秀。

[4] 2019年,获化工学院2018年度先进工作者。

[5] 2019年,获北工业大学化工学院第十九届青年教师教师教学竞赛二等奖。

[6] 2021年,获河北工业大学化工学院第二十二届青年教师教学竞赛一等奖。

[7] 2021年,获河北工业大学第二届教师教学创新竞赛二等奖。


[1] 2017-2018 基于气泡模板法泡沫分离制备二氧化钛纳米颗粒及其光催化性能研究,河北省教育厅青年项目,主持,已结项。

[2] 2016-2019 错流和离心强化泡沫相排液行为及在泡沫分离中应用,河北省应用基础研究计划重点基础研究项目,参与,已结项。

[3] 2017-2018 发酵与泡沫分离耦合分离乳糖酸工艺研究,工业发酵微生物教育部重点实验室开放项目,主持,已结项

[4] 2020-2022 发酵分离耦合连续生产乳链菌肽的系统集成规律和过程优化研究,河北省自然科学基金青年项目,主持,在研

[5] 2021-2022 发酵分离耦合连续生产乳链菌肽的系统集成规律和过程优化研究,工业发酵微生物教育部重点实验室开放项目,主持,在研

[6] 2022-2024 双菌共固定发酵耦合泡沫分离连续生产乳酸链球菌素的规律研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,在研



[1] Liu, W., Liu, D., Yin, H., Yang, C., & Lu, K. (2021). Foam fractionation for the separation of SDBS from its aqueous solution: Process optimization and property test. Separation and Purification Technology, 262, 118305.

[2] Jia, L., Liu, W.*, Cao, J., Wu, Z., & Yang, C. (2021). Foam fractionation for effective removal of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from water body: Strengthening foam drainage by artificially inducing foam evolution. Journal of Environmental Management, 291, 112628.

[3] Liu, W., He, Z., Yin, H., Yang, C., & Lu, K. (2021). Maillard reaction products for strengthening the recovery of trans-resveratrol from the muscat grape pomace by alkaline extraction and foam fractionation. Separation and Purification Technology, 256, 117754.

[4] Jia, L., Liu, W.*, Cao, J., Wu, Z., & Yang, C. (2021). Recovery of nanoparticles from wastewater by foam fractionation: Regulating bubble size distribution for strengthening foam drainage. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(4), 105383.

[5] Qin, S., Sun, P., Wu, Z., Liu, W.*, & Yang, C. (2021). Foam fractionation for effectively recovering copper from the discarded printed circuit board of personal computer. Separation Science and Technology, 56(5), 970-981.

[6] Liu, W., Zhou, J., Tan, F., Yin, H., Yang, C., & Lu, K. (2021). Improvement of nisin production by using the integration strategy of co-cultivation fermentation, foam fractionation and pervaporation. LWT, 142, 111093.

[7] Zheng, H., Zhang, S., Yang, C., Yin, H., Liu, W.*, & Lu, K. (2021). Simultaneous removal of Ni (II) and Cr (VI) from aqueous solution by froth flotation using PNIPAM-CS intelligent nano-hydrogels as collector. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 342, 117551.

[8] Jia, L., Liu, W.*, Cao, J., Wu, Z., & Yang, C. (2020). Modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes assisted foam fractionation for effective removal of acid orange 7 from the dyestuff wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management, 262, 110260.

[9] Lu, J., Liu, Z., Wu, Z., Liu, W.*, & Yang, C. (2020). Synergistic effects of binary surfactant mixtures in the removal of Cr (VI) from its aqueous solution by foam fractionation. Separation and Purification Technology, 237, 116346.

[10] Zhou, G., Zhang, H., Yang, W., Wu, Z., Liu, W.*, & Yang, C. (2020). Bioleaching assisted foam fractionation for recovery of gold from the printed circuit boards of discarded cellphone. Waste Management, 101, 200-209.

[11] Zhang, Y., Di, R., Zhang, H., Zhang, W., Wu, Z., Liu, W.*, & Yang, C. (2020). Effective recovery of casein from its aqueous solution by ultrasonic treatment assisted foam fractionation: Inhibiting molecular aggregation. Journal of Food Engineering, 284, 110042.

[12] Wu, Z., Shu, T., Zhang, M., & Liu, W.* (2020). Foam fractionation for effective recovery of leaf protein from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Separation Science and Technology, 55(7), 1388-1397.

[13] Jia, L., Zhou, J., Cao, J., Wu, Z., Liu, W.*, & Yang, C. (2020). Foam fractionation for promoting rhamnolipids production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa D1 using animal fat hydrolysate as carbon source and its application in intensifying phytoremediation. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 158, 108177.

[14] Zheng, H., Fan, S., Liu, W.*, & Zhang, M. (2020). Production and separation of pseudomonas aeruginosa rhamnolipids using coupling technology of cyclic fermentation with foam fractionation. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 148, 107776.

[15] Di, R., Zhang, Y., Wu, Z., Liu, W.*, & Yang, C. (2020). Foam fractionation for the recovery of proanthocyanidin from Camellia seed shells using molecular imprinting chitosan nanoparticles as collector. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 302, 112523.

[16] Wu, Z., Li, N., Zhang, X., Xu, Y., Shu, T., Liu, W.*, & Hu, B. (2019). Effective recovery of trans-resveratrol from the leaching solution of muscat grape pomace by developing a novel technology of foam fractionation. Journal of Food Engineering, 241, 41-50.

[17] Huang, D., Wang, C., Yin, H., Zhang, S., Qin, S., Liu, W.*, ... & Yang, C. (2019). Enhancement of the quinoline separation from pyridine: study on competitive adsorption kinetics in foam fractionation with salt. Chemical Engineering Journal, 359, 1150-1158.

[18] Zheng, H., Hao, M., Liu, W., Zheng, W., Fan, S., & Wu, Z. (2019). Foam fractionation for the concentration of exopolysaccharides produced by repeated batch fermentation of Cordyceps militaris. Separation and Purification Technology, 210, 682-689.

[19] Hu, N., Li, Y., Yang, C., Wu, Z., & Liu, W.* (2019). In-situ activated nanoparticle as an efficient and recyclable foam stabilizer for enhancing foam separation of LAS. Journal of hazardous materials, 379, 120843.

[20] Hu, N., Wu, Z., Jin, L., Li, Z., Liu, W.*, Huang, D., & Yang, C. (2019). Nanoparticle as a novel foam controller for enhanced protein separation from sweet potato starch wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology, 209, 392-400.

[21] Hu, N., Li, Y., Wu, Z., Lu, K., Huang, D., & Liu, W.* (2018). Foams stabilization by silica nanoparticle with cationic and anionic surfactants in column flotation: Effects of particle size. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 88, 62-69.

[22] Hu, N., Li, Y., Wu, Z., Lu, K., Huang, D., & Liu, W.* (2018). Foams stabilization by silica nanoparticle with cationic and anionic surfactants in column flotation: Effects of particle size. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 88, 62-69.

[23] Tian, S., Wu, Z., Liu, W.*, Zhang, M., Lv, Y., Xu, Y., ... & Zhao, Y. (2018). Effective recovery of casein from its highly diluted solution by using a technology of foam fractionation coupled with isoelectric precipitation. Journal of Food Engineering, 216, 72-80.

[24] Li, N., Liu, W.*, Wu, Z., Xu, Y., Shu, T., Lu, K., & Zhao, Y. (2018). Recovery of silk sericin from the filature wastewater by using a novel foam fractionation column. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 129, 37-42.

[25] Huang, D., Liu, W.*, Xu, Y., Wu, Z., Zheng, H., Hu, N., ... & Jia, L. (2018). Desalination for enhancing the recovery of creatine from its wastewater by foam fractionation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 255, 447-453.

[26] Liu, W., Lv, Y., Tian, S., Zhang, M., Shu, T., Hu, N., & Wu, Z. (2018). Foam fractionation for effective recovery of resveratrol from the leaching liquor of Polygonum cuspidatum by using partially ethylated β-cyclodextrin as collector and frother. Industrial Crops and Products, 112, 420-426.

[27] Huang, D., Liu, W.*, Wu, Z., Liu, G., Yin, H., Chen, Y., ... & Jia, L. (2017). Removal of pyridine from its wastewater by using a novel foam fractionation column. Chemical Engineering Journal, 321, 151-158.

[28] Huang, D., Liu, W., Wu, Z., Zhao, Y., Yin, H., Ding, L., ... & Zheng, H. (2017). The separation of catechol and phenol with each other by two-stage batch foam fractionation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 308, 683-691.

[29] Liu, W., Zhang, M., Lv, Y., Tian, S., Li, N., & Wu, Z. (2017). Foam fractionation for recovering whey soy protein from whey wastewater: Strengthening foam drainage using a novel internal component with superhydrophobic surface. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 78, 39-44.

[30] Liu, W., Wu, Z., Wang, Y., Zheng, H., & Yin, H. (2017). Modified β-CD-Cu ion complex and yam mucilage assisted batch foam fractionation for separating puerarin from Ge-gen (Radix puerariae). Separation and Purification Technology, 175, 194-202.

[31] Huang, D., Wu, Z. L., Liu, W., Hu, N., & Li, H. Z. (2016). A novel process intensification approach of recovering creatine from its wastewater by batch foam fractionation. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 104, 13-21.

[32] Guo, S., Wu, Z., Liu, W., Huang, D., Li, H., & Hu, N. (2016). Enrichment and isolation of phenol from its aqueous solution using foam fractionation. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 36, 180-183.

[33] Li, H., Wu, Z., Liu, W.*, Li, Z., Hu, N., & Huang, D. (2016). Recovery of yam mucilage from the yam starch processing wastewater by using a novel foam fractionation column. Separation and Purification Technology, 171, 26-33.

[34] Li, R., Ding, L., Wu, Z., Wang, Y., Liu, W., & Wang, Y. (2016). β-cyclodextrin assisted two-stage foam fractionation of bromelain from the crude extract of pineapple peels. Industrial Crops and Products, 94, 233-239.

[35] Li, R., Wu, Z., Wang, Y., Ding, L., & Liu, W. (2016). Prevention of irreversible aggregation of whey soy proteins in their foam fractionation from soy whey wastewater. Asia‐Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 11(5), 673-682.

[36] Jiang, J., Wu, Z., Liu, W., Gao, Y., Guo, S., & Kang, S. (2016). Separation of soybean saponins from soybean meal by a technology of foam fractionation and resin adsorption. Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 46(4), 346-353.

[37] Jiao, M., Wu, Z. L., Liu, Y., Liu, W., & Li, R. (2016). Surfactant‐assisted separation of ginkgo flavonoids from Ginkgo biloba leaves using leaching and foam fractionation. Asia‐Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 11(5), 664-672.

[38] Li, R., Fu, N., Wu, Z., Wang, Y., Liu, W., & Wang, Y. (2016). Enhancing protein self-association at the gas–liquid interface for foam fractionation of bovine serum albumin from its highly diluted solution. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 109, 638-646.

[39] Ding, L., Wang, Y., Wu, Z., Liu, W., Li, R., & Wang, Y. (2016). A novel technology coupling extraction and foam fractionation for separating the total saponins from Achyranthes bidentata. Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 46(7), 666-672.


1、吴兆亮,刘伟,李瑞. 泡沫分离法浓缩大豆蛋白废水中大豆异黄酮的工艺: ZL 201210364044.3.

2、吴兆亮,李瑞, 刘伟. 大豆蛋白废水中蛋白质的分离制备方法: ZL 201310531012.2.

3、吴兆亮,黄迪,刘伟,胡楠. 一种泡沫分离处理含喹啉制药废水的方法: ZL 201610932456.0.

