政治面貌:党员 专业:动力工程及工程热物理(热能工程)
出生年月:1988.07 生源地:黑龙江
毕业院校:河北工业大学 能源与环境工程学院
移动电话:15104632388 E-mail:windowsxxpp@126.com
Ø 教育经历及背景
2019.11-2021.09 河北工业大学/动力工程及工程热物理/博士后 导师:沈伯雄教授
2014.09-2019.10 哈尔滨工业大学/动力工程及工程热物理/博士 导师:孙 锐教授
Ø 主要科研项目
1. 2021.01-2023.12,O2/H2O预氧化及金属元素加载对无烟煤中氮元素释放的调控机制研究,52006052,国家自然科学基金—青年项目,批准经费24万元,主持。
2. 2020.01-2022.12,蒸汽富氧预处理对高阶煤反应性及氮元素释放路径的调控机制研究,E2020202093,河北省自然科学基金—青年项目,批准经费6万元,主持。
3. 2020.06-2021.11,金属元素加载及贫氧预氧化对无烟煤中结构氮释放特性的调控机制研究,B2020003025,河北省高层次人才资助项目—博士后科研项目择优资助,批准经费3万元,主持。
4. 2021.07-2023.12,能源利用过程污染物控制,E2021202006,河北省自然科学基金—创新研究群体项目,批准经费300万元,骨干成员。
5. 2017.07-2020.12,超低挥发分煤基燃料和煤掺混协同燃烧技术,2017YFB0602002,国家重点研发计划,批准经费469万元,参与。
6. 2016.01-2020.12,煤基固体燃料O2/H2O燃烧关键基础问题的研究,51536002,国家自然科学基金—重点项目,批准经费334.2万元,参与。
7. 2015.01-2018.12,高温燃烧条件下煤焦中氮转化为NO实验和机理研究,51476046,国家自然科学基金—面上项目,批准经费80万元,参与。
8. 2016.01-2017.12,Auxiliary System of Coal Drying Experiment,哈尔滨工业大学燃烧工程研究所与韩国能源研究院(Korea Institute of Energy Research)共同承担的中韩国际合作项目,批准经费20万元,参与。
Ø 论文发表
近五年,本人共发表高水平国内外学术论文50余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Energy、Combustion and Flame、Fuel、Fuel Processing Technology、煤炭学报等能源领域高水平期刊发表论文16篇。
(1) Zhuozhi Wang, Rui Sun*, Tamer M Ismail*, Jie Xu, Xingzhou Zhang, Yupeng Li. Characterization of coal char surface behavior after a heterogeneous oxidative treatment. Fuel, 2017, 210, 154-164.
(2) Zhuozhi Wang, Jie Xu, Rui Sun*, Yaying Zhao, Yupeng Li, Tamer M Ismail*. Investigation of the NO reduction characteristics of coal char at different conversion degrees under an NO atmosphere. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31, 8722-8732.
(3) 王卓智, 孙锐*, 袁皓, 张兴州, 李昱澎, 孙绍增. 煤基焦炭氧化过程中表面化学结构的变化规律. 燃烧科学与技术, 2017, 23, 418-423.
(4) Zhuozhi Wang, Rui Sun*, Yaying Zhao*, Yupeng Li, Tamer M Ismail, Xiaohan Ren. Investigation of demineralized coal char surface behaviour and reducing characteristics after partial oxidative treatment under an O2 atmosphere. Fuel, 2018, 233, 658-668.
(5) Zhuozhi Wang, Rui Sun*, Yaying Zhao, Yupeng Li*, Xiaohan Ren. Effect of steam concentration on demineralized coal char surface behaviors and structural characteristics during the oxy-steam combustion process. Energy, 2019, 174, 339-349.
(6) Zhuozhi Wang, Yaying Zhao, Rui Sun*, Yupeng Li*, Xiaohan Ren, Jie Xu. Effect of reaction condition on NO emission characteristic, surface behavior and microstructure of demineralized char during O2/H2O combustion process. Fuel, 2019, 253, 1424-1435.
(7) Zhuozhi Wang, Yupeng Li, Wenkun Zhu, Rui Sun*, Yaying Zhao*, Xiaohan Ren. Effects of reaction condition on the emission characteristics of fuel-N during O2/H2O combustion process of demineralized coal. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33, 6187-6196.
(8) Zhuozhi Wang, Yaying Zhao, Rui Sun*, Yupeng Li*, Xiaohan Ren, Jie Xu. Effect of reaction conditions on the evolution of surface functional groups in O2/H2O combustion process of demineralized coal char. Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 195, 106144.
(9) Yupeng Li, Rui Sun*, Min. Wang, Zhuozhi Wang*, Jie Xu, Xiaohan Ren. Reaction kinetics of char-O2/H2O combustion under high-temperature entrained flow conditions. Fuel, 2019, 243, 172-184.
(10) Yaying Zhao, Zhuozhi Wang*, Guangbo Zhao*, Rui Sun*, Xiaohan Ren. Investigation of combustion reactivity and NO emission characteristics of chars obtained from the devolatilization of raw and partially dried lignite. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 98, 453-464.
(11) Yupeng Li, Rui Sun*, Jiangquan Wu, Zhuozhi Wang*, Min Wang, Zhenyu Song. Effect of H2O on char-nitrogen conversion during char-O2/H2O combustion under high-temperature entrained flow conditions. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 207, 391-405.
(12) 赵亚莹, 王卓智*, 封硕, 马姣, 沈伯雄, 孙锐. O2/H2O预氧化对高阶煤中氮元素迁移路径的影响. 煤炭学报, 2021, 46, 328-336.
(13) Zhuozhi Wang, Yaying Zhao, Jiao Ma, Jiancheng Yang, Lianfei Xu, Wenwen Kong, Boxiong Shen*, Rui Sun*. Evolution characteristics of structural nitrogen and the microstructure of anthracite particles in the process of O2/Ar and O2/H2O pre-oxidation. Fuel. 2021, 289, 119860.
(14) Zhuozhi Wang, Lei Zhang, Yaying Zhao, Shuo Feng, Jiao Ma, Wenwen Kong, Boxiong Shen*, Rui Sun*. Experimental investigation on the evolution characteristics of anthracite-N and semi-coke reactivity under various O2/H2O pre-oxidation atmospheres. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 216, 106725.
(15) Lei Zhang, Zhuozhi Wang*, Jiao Ma, Wenwen Kong, Peng Yuan, Rui Sun, Boxiong Shen*. Analysis of functionality distribution and microstructural characteristics of upgraded rice husk after undergoing non-oxidative and oxidative torrefaction. Fuel, 2022, 310, 122477.
(16) Zhong Zhao#, Shuo Feng#, Yaying Zhao, Zhuozhi Wang*, Jiao Ma, Lianfei Xu, Jiancheng Yang, Boxiong Shen. Investigation on the fuel quality and hydrophobicity of upgraded rice husk derived from various inert and oxidative torrefaction conditions. Renewable Energy, 2022, 189, 1234-1248.
通过团队间的交流与合作,已与美国波士顿东北大学燃烧领域专家Yiannis A. Levendis教授(国际燃烧学会理事,美国机械工程师协会和美国汽车工程师协会Fellow,美国工程界大奖——乔治西屋金奖获得者)建立联系,拟在未来围绕化石及生物质燃料的清洁综合利用方面开展进一步的学习与交流;
参与本团队与埃及苏伊士运河大学Tamer M. Ismail教授团队的国际交流活动,围绕煤基燃料和生物质燃料燃烧过程中气态污染物的排放特性开展了一系列研究并共同发表了相关学术论文;
通过项目合作,已与韩国能源研究院(Korea Institute of Energy Research)Sihyun Lee教授建立联系,并计划未来与Lee教授团队继续围绕高含水燃料提质改性新技术的开发和应用展开进一步合作。